Monday, December 22, 2008

xde keje.....


~minom petang arini~
courtesy of dayat at SANTAI CAFE

aktiviti yg dilakukan...apabila...xde keje.........
bukannya kraftangan....tetapi kraftkaki..............
sbg nature lover...terdapat beberape reused goods yg digunakan bg menghasilkn bahan ini...

~reduce, recycle, reuse~

Tuan2 dan Puan2 bahan2 yg diperlukan ialah:
1. botol ape2 saje (botol spaghetti preferably)
2. bunge glitter di dlm rumah
3. reben gold di bakul hamper
4. bulu2 putih
5. gunting
6. thread n needle

hasilnyaaaa...bottle with boa n glittered leaf.....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

RM 10!!!!!!!

sunggoh unbelivable...believe it or i bought a black wool winter jacket for 10 hengget...
giler x siYes ianye berharge 10 hengget...special thenx to areque who introduce me to d shop...yg mengkomplen bahawasaNye nk antar baju tu pegi dry cleaning lg mahal dr harge baju tu sndri~hahahaha~
today is d most satisfied shopin spree ever as i spend a sum of money on some decent stuffs... which doesnt cOst me to blow my head off...n thank God i have NO post buying symptoms (regretinG n whining on things u alredi bought which none of them r refundable.. )

~sungei wang sHopin spRee~

bkn saye sahaje yg shopin di kdi 10 hengget ini..dayat yg tidak dapat menahan temptations juge shopin di kdi inih...hikhik...fauzan juge shopin ~tropicana life sweater yg bersaiz S tp bile dipakai olehnya kelihatan seperti XL..hikhikhik~ beliau juge sgt bersabar dan tercabar apabila sudah membeli sweater tersebot terpakse melihat kdi ROMP yg menjual sweater yg lebey cHOmiLL dr ape yg beliau sudah beli...hoho ~sabar sabar~


apabila...pulang kerumah.. saye bercadang2 utk membalut hadiah utk abg ape kan daya...pecah pulak barang tersebot....bak kate dayat "xde rezeki kot"...sabar je la...sangat terkilan....

~expected feature~

~actual feature~

moral penceritaan.....sila check barang anda sebelom membeli.........

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I DO....

i just finished PS, I LOVE YOU..which i shud hv been doing a long time ago...but i skipped d book to give way to another book ~THE MEN'S GUIDE TO THE WOMENS BATHROOM~ dat title happened to caught my attention (it shud be d other way a girl!! for godsake!! shud be men's type of readin...based on d title ~obviously~)

pink and blue ~nice combo~

ps, i love u....started serenely...but towards d really hits me... seb baik xde org tgk sewaktu diriku membace buke ini kalo tidak ~maluuu la saye~ banjir ampang nih..hahahaha... story of a widow whom actually try her hardest n bestest to move on after loosing his beloved soulmate... her courage really, really, really inspired me... hw she get up after her fall... facing all challenges of unsure sounds dat tolling endlessly in her head... unsure of wut to do n hw to do it at its best... keeping up with people expectations on hw she shud be after d death of her hubby whom by all means, mean a world to her... hw she get up everyday feelin empty and unsure of wut she has to fill up her day without him being around... only 10 notes dat ends wit PS, i love u her hubby hd left her,dat keep her movin....its like the air she breathe at d moment... hw every note act like a teacher to her, teach her on hw to live her life..step by step... till at d very last note, she realised dat there will be no d last one told her to open her heart to new love n follow her heart as it will lead her to d unknown but intriguing, exciting path ...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Post-Grad eVent ~SUNWaY laGo0N~

leTs geT weT!!!!!

~selepas grad kami, keesokkannye kami pergi bermandi mande di sunway (on d 27/11 - lame dh tp bile tgk gmbr baru teringat...hikhik)~

~we entered :

= scream park (level of scarineSS = 0/10 = PoYo tahap MeGa = membaZir je masOk)

= theme park (level of funNeSS = 11/10 = superb = berenti maen sbb dh nk tutop = GoD!! i luVVVVV waTerrrrr!!!! = blue superman slide was d ultimate FunNess)

after all d hardship of making full used of our time ~hahahaha~ to make sure that we play to d fullest till d closing time ~hahaha~ naseb baek abg yg jage tu memahami...hikhik (siap kate "nk buat cmne, dieorg byr lebey..." ~tensen kene keje overtime~)

pipah bersame ph nye, missed kol yg byk giler
(dr mummy nye ~yg suroh die stop berpoya2 dan pulang ke pangkuan jln..hahaha~)....

kami bertungkus lumus menukar pakaian dgn secepat mungkin + solat asar so taht pipah x telepas trennye pulang ke penang...
tp kluar2 sunway je.....maCeTTTT...
haros laaaaa x smpi komuter subang pd waktu yg sepatotnye...
kemudian straight to kl sentral....hantor pipah pulang....... there she goes......
saye dan dayat??? lapar giler!!!! melantak mcd di kl sentral.....
kami pon pulang........

i love u guyssss!!!! cherished every moment being wit u all!!! hope we will alwiz be heppi!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


mereka datang..tQ

merekaaaa dtg juge..tQ

saye maen kamera didlm dewan...

orang khusyuk..saye maen kamera lagi...
sebelum masOk dewan



pada awalnye sgt teruje...memakai jubah di awal pg bersame rakan semue...
di dlm dewan.... best juge...walaupon dudok dpn skali dpn pro-chaselor...

even majlis nye agk panjang dan terpakse menunggu org laen amek scroll...
pro-chanselor agak gagah...memberi scroll smbil berdiri kpd sumeorg dgn melemparkan senyuman manis...walaupon beliau berumor 83thn!!...
saye tersengeh2 bersame kawan2 yg laen bermaen2 di dpn..
dayat acap kali menyuruh saye behave supaye jgn ckp kuat2 dan supaye tidak meng"kandid" gmbrnye.....
tp saye cakap juge....dgn nada yg sedikit perlahan...saye tetap juge bercakap ngan org di belakang, tepi-kiri kanan, depan je x bule....x kan nk ckp ngan pro-chanselor kot.....
sambil itu juge saye mengusha abg percussion yg sgt co000lllLL bermaen alat2 musik... sambil melenggokkan badannye mengikut alunan irama lagu....sangat kiuuuuTT abg itu..
saye juge memberi isyarat "SAYE SUKE" kpd afifah dan syikin yg dudok nun disane, x brape jauh dr saye... mereka pon menganggok- anggokkan kepale....
kami pon tersengeh2 melihat abg percussion itu...

diakhir majlis....kami menyanyikan lagu UITM DI HATIKU...
lagu yg x penah saye hafal....
dari minggu orientasi smpi la dh grad skrang ni....naseb baik ade lirik di skrin bertentangan saye..
sangat sebak....

keluar dewan...
sangat hectic....ibubapa kire2 900++ graduan berpusu2 mencari ank mereka yg baru sahaja keluar dewan....
muka mereka penoh pengharapan dan sangat gembira di atas pencapaian ank2 mereka....
ibubapa saya juga hadir memeriahkan suasana..
nasib baik mereka tidak hilang di dalam lautan manusia itu...
membawa sejambak bunge...
saye pon tros mencium bunge tersebut...sambil berkate...
"Bunge tipu je ma???".. ibu saye tergelak2 sambil berkate "Itu je yg ade" ...
bapa saye sambil memakai spec mate itam..kelihatan agak struggle mengambil gmbr kami...
ibu berkate "reti ke abahnye tu gune kamera" ....
saye tersengeh2 sambil membiarkan sahaja beliau mengambil gambar kami...
dalam pd mase yg same saye terjumpe zaidi yg bermuke gelabah...rupe2nye ibu die hilang...
selepas 10 minit mengambil gambar dr pelbagai angle...
ibubapa saye pon beransor pulang...

saye pon menerjah lautan manusia...
mencari kwn2 yg laen...
yg dijumpai ialah beberape org klasmate serta afifah,niza dan hidayat..beserta famili mereka...mai saje tiade kerna beliau sudah beransor pulang...mahu berangkat ke brunei khabarnya..
kami pon tangkap la gambar....
dimana abg pipah menjadi kemeramannye...ehem ehem...
walaupon sebegitu... tidak ramai rakan2 yg berjaye gambar nye ditangkap bersame kami...
oleh yg demikian selepas menghantar ibubapa afifah dan hidayat pulang....
kami pon mkn bersame mawi, k.lin,syali,tikah,fatin dan adik fatin..yg hadir ke konvo kami...lapor giler...
selepas itu..kami menghantar jubah dan mengambil scroll....
selepas itu...pulang ke rumah jiha...dan TidOrrrrr...
berakhir lahh.. hari konvo kami.....

too much things that i learned here...
in this very one place so called UITM Shah Alam....
about love, frens, family, sacrifices, truth and lies..
"we did it guys!!!" as one of my fren said it...
too much to be hold....
but there are things to let go....
so that we can move "did it" some more....
to create more bittersUwEEEEtt memories....