Thursday, December 18, 2008

Post-Grad eVent ~SUNWaY laGo0N~

leTs geT weT!!!!!

~selepas grad kami, keesokkannye kami pergi bermandi mande di sunway (on d 27/11 - lame dh tp bile tgk gmbr baru teringat...hikhik)~

~we entered :

= scream park (level of scarineSS = 0/10 = PoYo tahap MeGa = membaZir je masOk)

= theme park (level of funNeSS = 11/10 = superb = berenti maen sbb dh nk tutop = GoD!! i luVVVVV waTerrrrr!!!! = blue superman slide was d ultimate FunNess)

after all d hardship of making full used of our time ~hahahaha~ to make sure that we play to d fullest till d closing time ~hahaha~ naseb baek abg yg jage tu memahami...hikhik (siap kate "nk buat cmne, dieorg byr lebey..." ~tensen kene keje overtime~)

pipah bersame ph nye, missed kol yg byk giler
(dr mummy nye ~yg suroh die stop berpoya2 dan pulang ke pangkuan jln..hahaha~)....

kami bertungkus lumus menukar pakaian dgn secepat mungkin + solat asar so taht pipah x telepas trennye pulang ke penang...
tp kluar2 sunway je.....maCeTTTT...
haros laaaaa x smpi komuter subang pd waktu yg sepatotnye...
kemudian straight to kl sentral....hantor pipah pulang....... there she goes......
saye dan dayat??? lapar giler!!!! melantak mcd di kl sentral.....
kami pon pulang........

i love u guyssss!!!! cherished every moment being wit u all!!! hope we will alwiz be heppi!!!

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