Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BeRaNi kah kite???

Just finished reading DARE TO FAIL...it is an old book n has also been in dat mini library for quite sometimes...long time ago to be precise...but suddenly has d urge to read it..i just give it a glimpse but it just scream out loud saying "take it! take it! and READ IT!!!"..since ive got nothin to do, then i read it.....

~Dare To Fail by Billi P.S.Lim~

d book really thought me dat its ok to fail...to fall...eventhough u fall tremendously hard!! in any aspect...there is alwiz somebody who succeed n there is definitely a failure...not matter how bad it feels to be a loser...believe it or not...we sometimes...or alwiZ be in dat "L" side..like it or not...it just nature`au naturale`...most of d prominent figure featured in this book also had failed before...not once but countless times....but d best part in this book is dat...if u succeed by stepping on people n just dont give a damn about them....then u r d BIGGEST LOSER!!!...i understand that everybody hs to survive, but in order to survive there r zillions ways do it n u dont simply be an ignorance just to get what u want...n even if d thing really need to be done...it really hs to be done in d most subtle way...cuz u r talking about HUMAN dat hs feelings, brain,beliefs,obligations, family, n frens...which to me...more than a need..its a MUsT have...

Maybe we cannot be the BIGGEST WINNER in everything that we do..pyhsically or in materiality`
which only eyes can see`..but if we do it d right way..being hepi n in serenity r d best way to reward every effort... not by being haunted by our own black shadows... n d most important thing is that how u rise after d falldown...

So all my buddies out there....its ok to make mistakes n fail...dare to make some..n do it now!!!!....theres nothin wrong about doin it.. look it as taking opportunities...cuz u dnt know what d future hd install 4 u.. if u dont know what to do...just think about what u like and just do it with persistent n perseverance...but b4 u dare to take any chances or opportunity....do used d precious brain n intuition dat God has given us, cuz this very one step that will determine whether u r
BRAVE or just being a complete MORON...

it is easy enough to be pleasant,

when life flows along like a song,
but he man worthwhile,
is d man who will smile,
when everything goes dead wrong!!


PeNdEkA said...

huhu dolly mau pinjam buku! cam best je

dollY baKir said...

bule2!! saye berbesar hati utk mengongsi..hehehe